Page 21 - One Report Thai Final_ENG_2021
P. 21

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                                                2.  Credit policy

                                 There is no significant credit risk between TYCN and its customers. TYCN set
                                 credit lines for  its customers  by market, products  and payment terms. TYCN
                                 controls shipment and collection by using ERP, which allows TYCN to instantly
                                 monitor the status  of customers’ credit lines.  An approval is necessary  for any
                                 shipment which is over credit line. A guarantee deposit, advance payment, or AR
                                 insurance is required when a shipment is made with long payment term or to a high-
                                 risk market.

                                        3.  Software and Web technology

                                   The whole production and management of TYCN’s operation are controlled by
                                 ERP and internet system.  TYCN has  protective  measures  and backup plan  to
                                 prevent the company from  suffering  from  unexpected power failure, hardware
                                 damages and hacker attacks.

                           Environmental Impact Risks

                                 Due to the Company's production process may cause pollution to communities near
                           the factory. The Company has prevented problems that arise. Therefore, a working group
                           has been set up to manage energy and environment. To set guidelines for implementation
                           and follow  up on  management in  matters related  to the  environment  both within and
                           outside the factory with the concept of 3R which is Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle, thus
                           reducing the amount of waste in the production process. Minimizes dumping of waste
                           materials and reduces waste disposal costs. Production processes have been improved to
                           reduce water and energy use, especially the use of electricity. The Company has begun to
                           replace more efficient equipment in the production process and install solar cell lamps
                           beside factory buildings and roads  to reduce  electricity consumption and improve the
                           production process to reduce dust and odor, as well as require measurements continuous
                           impact by the results of the audit in the past year, the Company has passed all the items of
                           industry standards. Does not  affect or  destroy the environment  and  resources of the

                                 Corporate Governance Risk

                                       Person in the position of Chairman and the person in the position of the President
                           of the Company belong to the same family which may make it seem the Company has no
                           balance of power between the Board of Directors and Management. However, the Company
                           realizes  the importance of good  corporate governance. Therefore,  a  charter has  been
                           prepared which specifies the duties of the Chairman of the Board, the Board of Directors
                           and the President of the Company. Which makes the division of roles between the Board of
                           Directors and the management, there is a clear and proper balance which is in line with the
                           good  practice  guidelines of  the  Good Corporate Governance Principles of  Listed
                           Companies 2017.

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