Page 19 - One Report Thai Final_ENG_2021
P. 19

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                           2. Risk Management

                           2.1 Risk Management

                                      The Board of Directors has adopted a risk management system for all material
                           and controllable risk and included the reporting and evaluating system in response the
                           current situation. In 2021, the Board of Directors has considered political risk, which now
                           does not affect the company directly.  As for economic risk in exchange rate, the company
                           has employed forward contract to minimize the risk. All managements are responsible for
                           risk management. In assessing the risk, the chance of occurring and the impact it might
                           create was examined, then prevention measures were proposed. The Company’s internal
                           audit has been performed audit in relation to risk and then reported to the committee, so
                           that the committee could report to the Board of Directors in time.

                           2.2  Risk factors

                                 2.1 Sales risks

                                        1.  Global economic situation

                                  Steel consumption  is closely  related  to economic growth because  economic
                                  growth influences industries that consume steel such as construction, automobile,
                                  and endurable goods. In the early stage of the outbreak of the new  coronavirus
                                  (COVID-19) disease  in 2020, the  global economic  recession and  weak steel
                                  demand, and then in the post-epidemic era of 2021, as European countries and
                                  United States launched infrastructure plans to revitalize the  economy, steel
                                  demand began to rise sharply. According to IMF estimates, the global economic
                                  growth rate in 2022 is 4.4%, slightly lower than that in 2021 There are lots of
                                  uncertainties around the world such as mutation of the new coronavirus (COVID-
                                  19), geopolitical  conflicts  (Ukraine-Russia,  Taiwan Strait,  Korean Peninsula,
                                  etc.), Brexit, Biden’s new policies, protectionism, U.S. and European monetary
                                  policy .. etc..

                                  On March 8, 2018, Trump signed steel and aluminum tariffs that imposes 25%
                                  duty on steel and 10% charge on aluminum, which took effect on Mar 23, 2018.
                                  TYCN's export to U.S. is less than 5% of its sales, therefore the tariff does not
                                  bother TYCN's export. However, the long term influence of US-China trade war
                                  can not be ignored.

                                                 2.  Product and raw material price

                                  TYCN’s major raw materials for downstream products are billets and wire rods.
                                  Therefore, billet and wire rod prices play an important role when it comes to sales,
                                  cost, and profit. TYCN’s raw materials sources are diversified by countries such
                                  as China, Russia, Oman, and Thailand. As the largest steel producing country,
                                  China‘s policy on  producing  and selling steel will directly  affect global steel
                                  prices. TYCN’s raw  material and product prices fluctuate  with global prices,
                                  further influencing the company’s revenue and profit.

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