Page 17 - One Report Thai Final_ENG_2021
P. 17

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                                 TGE was approved to be incorporated by the Ministry of Economic Affairs under
                              the company law of the Republic of China on November 20, 1980. Its total registered
                              capital as of December 31, 2020 was NT$ 7,000 million, paid-in capital was about
                              NT$ 4,798  million Currently, TGE’s main business is to produce annealed wire using
                              wire rod, raw material imported from TYCN.  TGE also directly sells wire rods and
                              annealed wire to customers in the Taiwan market. TGE currently has the production
                              facility in Taiwan for production of annealed wire, bolt and the only heat treatment
                              facility in Taiwan for  the screws. TGE also took the view that there was further
                              potential for upward integration in its industry. Thus, after consideration,

                                 TGE established TYCN in Thailand as its production base for upward integrated
                              products (wire rods as well as annealed wires and screw).  TGE chose Thailand as a
                              production base because Thailand is extremely competitive in terms of logistics and
                              manufacturing  cost.  TGE’s investment in  TYCN is  done  through the TGI to take
                              advantage of advantageous tax treatment. TGE’s primary market is limited to Taiwan
                              to avoid so-called cannibalization within its group of companies. In accordance with
                              company policy, management and operation of TGE and TYCN are clearly separated,
                              and the two  management teams  are independent  each other, in order that each
                              company is acting in its own best interests.

                                 1.3.2  Shareholders

                             Names of the ten largest shareholders of the company on March 16, 2021

                                                   Name                             Number of      Percentage
                                                                                  shares (shares)      (%)
                                                                                   389,332,592.00        65.24
                             TYCOONS GROUP INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD.
                             CITI (NOMINEES) LIMITED-FIRST COMMERCIAL               60,000,000.00        10.05
                             บรษัท ไทยเอ็นวีดอาร จํากัด                                                                 40,388,680.00    6.77
                             EUROCLEAR NOMINEES LIMITED                             22,888,200.00         3.84
                             นายจําเรญ  ร่งวัฒนาเศษฐ  ์                             10,250,000.00         1.72
                             MISS YAO, CHIN-HSIANG                                   3,431,387.00         0.58
                             นายวัชระ  ปญจวัฒนา                                      2,725,500.00         0.46
                             MISS SHU-YING TAI                                       2,427,600.00         0.41
                             นายสม  ปรยวัต                                           2,200,000.00         0.37
                             MR. CHIA-TIEN LEE                                       2,032,000.00         0.34
                             Other                                                  61,072,941.00        10. 23
                                                       รวม                         596,748,900.00          100

                         1.4  Amounts of registered capital and paid-up capital

                                      1.4.1  On December 31,  2021 the company had  a  registered  capital of Baht
                             5,967,489,000 divided  into 596,748,900 shares with a par value of Baht 10 and a paid-
                             up capital of Baht 5,961,489,000 divided into 596,748,900 shares with a par value of
                             Baht 10.

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