Page 23 - One Report Thai Final_ENG_2021
P. 23

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                           3. Business Sustainability Development

                                 3.1.1  Policy and objectives of sustainable management

                           Sustainability management policy
                                 TYCN’s commitment to business operations based on sustainable development to
                           create value with all stakeholders with policies and compliance with four key principles:
                           Good corporate governance issues

                                 Realize the importance of good corporate governance by adhering to the principles
                           of morality and ethics as a guideline for doing business and laying out various policies so
                           that the performance of duties is possible with responsibility, caution and honesty which
                           will result in the business being able to progress efficiently.

                           Economic issues
                                 Commitment to business operations under good corporate  governance,
                           transparency, accountability, and responsibility for business operations. Manage risks at

                           an appropriate level to create a balance of returns or profits and take into account the
                           sharing of returns  to  all groups of stakeholders as well  as instilling  awareness of all
                           employees to participate in anti-corruption and corruption, which is the key foundation for
                           sustainable business growth.
                           Social issues
                                 Give importance to personnel development within the Company including external

                           personnel, communities and society as part of creating a good society. Learn to develop
                           and coexist with communities and society through the activities of various working groups.
                           To create a better understanding of each other and ensures that the Company's business

                           operations will not affect or cause trouble damage to the normal way of life of the people,
                           the community and the surrounding society.

                           Environmental issues
                                 Emphasis is placed on doing business under the requirements of laws or regulations
                           on  the  environment  of the relevant  agencies, including customer environmental

                           requirements. Use resources wisely to achieve maximum value. Reduce the amount of
                           pollution that will happen to the environment and cooperate with the government in various
                           actions strictly and returning back to the community and society through various projects
                           of the Company continuously.

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