P. 67

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                       Risk Management

                              The Board of Directors has adopted a risk management system for all material
                       and controllable risk and included the reporting and evaluating system in response the
                       current situation. In 2022, the Board of Directors has considered political risk, which now
                       does not affect the company directly.  As for economic risk in exchange rate, the company
                       has employed forward contract to minimize the risk. All managements are responsible for
                       risk management. In assessing the risk, the chance of occurring and the impact it might
                       create was examined, then prevention measures were proposed. The Company’s internal
                       audit has been performed audit in relation to risk and then reported to the committee, so
                       that the committee could report to the Board of Directors in time.

                              6.2  Code of Ethics
                              Ethics  is  an  integral  part  of  corporate  governance.  The  Board  of  Directors
                       established the code of ethics for management and staff which is considered to be their
                       tasks. This covers penalty of punishment of those who fail to comply, therefore all the staff
                       must  follow  strictly.  The  implication  and  supervision  of  the  code  of  ethics  is  applied

                       through the existing management system.

                              6.3  Corporate Governance Policy Compliance Report
                              The  Board  of  Directors  established  the  policy  that  encourage  all  employees  to
                       behave honesty and properly and accountable to stakeholders, and shareholders at all time.
                       This will, in turn, become the organization culture that values social responsible.

                       Independence and Impartiality of Directors
                               The  Board  of  Directors  has  performed  its  duty  and  exercised  its  discretion
                       independently from the managements and major shareholders. Each director has the duty
                       and is independence to ask questions, express opinions, make objection or vote as he/she
                       sees fit in relation to all matters affecting the interests of the company, shareholders or

                       Qualifications of Directors
                               The Board of Directors consisted of various qualities including age, profession,
                       and knowledge which are beneficial for the company operation and can bring about fresh
                       perspective. Directors had adequate time to perform their duties to the fullest extent with
                       high ethical standard. In 2022, none of the directors of the Company served as director of
                       other listed company more than 5 companies.

                       Duties of Chairman of the Board of Directors
                              Key duties of the Chairman as leader are to ensure effective functioning of the
                       Board. The Chairman is accountable to the board and function as a coordinator between the
                       Board and the management through the President. The Chairman also has duty to further
                       communicate the Board’s resolutions as appropriate.
                              There is distinction of duty between the Chairman as policy leader and the President
                       as  leader  for  day-to-day  management  of  the  Company.  The  Company  has  a  policy  to
                       separate the positions of Chairman of the Board and President. This ensures that there is no

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