P. 69

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                       There were 6 times meetings held in 2022. Please see the attendance record of directors.

                       Name                                       Position             Time of Attendance
                       1.     Mr. Huang, Wen-Sung *               Chairman of Board            6/6
                       2.     Ms. Lu, Yen-Chuan *                 Director                     0/6
                       3.     Mr. Natthawat Thanapinyanun            Director                                   6/6
                       4.     Ms. Hwang, Feng-Mei                         Director                                       6/6
                       5.     Mr. Navin Vongchankit               Independent Director/        6/6
                                                                                                      Chairman of the Audit Committee
                       6.      Mr. Jirawat Huang                  Independent Director                   6/6
                       7.     Mr. Phiphat Wangphichit             Independent Director            6/6

                              *Appoint Mr. Huang Wen Sung director of the Board as the Chairman of the Board
                       of Directors in replacement  of Ms. Lu  Yen Chuan resigned. This appointment shall be
                       effective from 09 June, 2022 onwards.

                       Scope and Responsibility of the Board
                              The  Board  of  Directors  has  set  a  clear  scope  of  responsibility  of  the  board  of
                       directors (refer to page 62-65), which is followed strictly by the board in 2022.

                       Internal Control/Audit System
                              The company has developed the internal control system to monitor and audit the
                       area  including  finance  and  operation  to  ensure  that  they  comply  with  the  law  and
                       regulations. It  would  provide  the  balancing  mechanism  for  the  company  to  protect  the
                       shareholders’ investment and the company asset. The company established internal auditing
                       unit  to  audit  and  ensure  that  all  departments  are  operated  in  accordance  with  the
                       regulations,  and  moreover  to  assess  the  efficiency  of  the  auditing  work. The  board  of
                       directors ensured that the internal auditing unit is independent and can serve as balancing
                       mechanism. In 2022, the internal auditor has presented the report on the efficiency of the
                       control system to the board of audit committee and board of directors for review.

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