P. 61

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                       6. Policy of corporate social responsibilities

                              Policy of corporate governance of the Company please refer to our website
                       ( corporate governance of Investor Relations page.

                              6.1 Overview of the Policy and Corporate Governance Practice Guidelines

                                6.1.1 Policy Responsibilities of the Board

                       1.  Leadership and vision
                              The Board of Directors plays a role in setting the company’s goal, mission of the
                       company, and budget, and moreover oversees the company operation in response to its
                       goal. The Board of Directors also makes comments on the internal control and audit system
                       along with manage the risk to maximize the company’s profitability.

                             2.  Risk Management
                               The Board of Directors  adopted a risk management system  for all material and
                       controllable risk which is related to the company’s business objective, business strategy,
                       finance,  production  and  operation.   Risk  management  is  carried  out  on  the  basis  of
                       probability that an identified risk may materialize and the likely impact of it on the business
                       may be presented. In response to that, clear preventive and mitigation measures must be
                       established  and  the  systems  to  assess  monitor  and  report  on  risks  shall  be  set  up.
                       Management of the company is responsible for regularly reporting to the Audit Committee
                       and the Board on its operation plans and performance.

                       3.  Independence and Impartiality of Directors
                               The  Board  of  Directors  shall  perform  its  duty  and  exercise  its  discretion
                       independently from the Management and major shareholders. Each director has the duty
                       and independence to ask questions, express opinions or make objection and vote as he or
                       she sees fit in relation to all matters affecting the interests of the Company, shareholders
                       or stakeholders.

                       4.  Qualifications of Directors
                               The Board of Directors shall consist of various qualities including age, profession,
                       and knowledge which are beneficial for the company operation and can bring about fresh
                       perspective. Directors must be prepared to give adequate time and effort to perform their
                       duties to the fullest extent with high ethical standard.

                       5.  Qualifications of Audit Committee / Independent Directors
                                  The Board of Directors shall ensure that the qualifications of independent directors
                       are in line with the Stock Exchange of Thailand’s requirements as follows:

                                          1. Holding shares of no more than five percent of the paid-up registered capital
                       of the Company, spaffiliated companies, associated companies or other related companies.
                       This shall include shares held by related persons.

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