P. 53

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                         Further details regarding the aging of accounts receivable are as set out below:

                                                                                                  Unit: MB
                                                               Dec  31, 2022       Dec  31, 2021
                           Inter- company A/R                          18                 102
                           A/R –unrelated parties                     313                 342

                           Total A/R                                  331                 444
                           Aging of A/R-unrelated parties
                           Past due                                   110                 143
                           Up to 3 months                             182                 174
                            3 months up to 6 months                    0                   0
                            6 months up to 12 months                   0                   0
                           Over 12 months                              21                 26
                           Sub-total                                  313                 342
                           Less Allowance for doubtful A/C             21                 (31)
                           Total A/R - net                            310                 413

                                  Accounts Receivable turnover has been increased from 21.70 times of year 2021
                       to 25.61 times of year 2022. The main reason is that the increase in sales revenue in 2022
                       is greater than the increase in average accounts receivable, resulted in A/R collection period
                       decreasing 2.53 days from 16.59 days of year 2021 to 14.06 days of year 2022.

                       (2) Liquidity

                       Cash flow

                       TYCN had a net decrease in cash and cash equivalents at year-end 2022 of 56MB. Cash
                       and cash equivalents at the end of 2022 amounted 408MB the change in cash flow amount
                       was due to:
                                     Net cash flow from operating                            879  MB
                                                Net cash flow from investing                                   (375)  MB
                                                Net cash flow from financing                    (561)  MB
                                          Net in cash                                               (57)  MB

                       Net  cash  flow  from  operating  activities  was  879MB,  mostly  due  to  the  decrease  in
                       inventories and accounts receivable decreased.
                       Net cash flow from investing was (375) MB mainly because invests in related associates
                       company investment.
                       Net cash flow from financing was (561) MB mainly because repayment of bank loans.

                       Liquidity ratios
                       The Company’s current ratio has been increasing standing at 1.67 and 1.43 in the years
                       2022  and  2021  respectively,  because  of  the  increase  in  revenue  in  2022  resulted  no
                       significant difference.

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