P. 52

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                              4.3 Financial status

                           (1) Assets


                       As of December 31 2022, TYCN’s had total assets 6,255MB, decreased by 11.93% with
                       amount 847MB compared to 2021. The decrease in total assets was mainly attributable to
                       the decrease in inventories and depreciation of fixed assets.

                       Current assets of 2022 were 2,818MB decreased by 23.98%with amount 889MB compared
                       to 2021 mainly decrease due to decrease of inventory.

                       Non-current assets of 2022 was 3,437MB, increase by 1.24% with amount 42MB compared
                       to 2021, the reason was from investment-related companies

                           Quality of assets


                       At each reporting date, the Company performs impairment reviews in respect of the long-
                       term  investment,  properly,  plant  and  equipment  and  other  intangible  assets  whenever
                       events or changes in circumstances indicate that an asset may be impaired. An impairment
                       loss is recognized when the recoverable amount of an asset, which is the higher of the
                       asset’s fair value less costs to sell and its value in use, is less than the carrying amount.

                       Accounts receivable

                       As  of  December  31,  2022  accounts  receivable  amounted  to  331MB,  which  could  be

                       broken down into A/R of unrelated parties 313MB and A/R of related party 18MB. A/R
                       amounted to 444MB in 2021 which could be broken down into A/R of unrelated parties
                       342MB  and  A/ R  from  related  party  102MB.   The  normal  credit  term  granted  by  the
                       Company for related parties is 30-180 days while credit term for other parties varies from
                       10 - 105 days. New clients as well as customers whose payments are overdue will be subject
                       to make a payment equal to a certain percentage of the purchase amount before shipment.

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