Page 145 - TYCONS - ANNUAL REPORT 2022
P. 145

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                                                                                              (Unit: Million Baht)
                                                             Consolidate financial statement
                                                                As at 31 December 2022
                                         Fixed interest rates   Floating   Non-
                                        Within               interest   interest
                                        1 year   1 - 5 years   rate     bearing     Total    Effective interest rate
               Financial assets
               Cash and cash equivalent       -         -        385         23       408      Refer to Note 7
               Trade and other receivables    -         -          -        311       311           -
               Restricted bank deposits     35          -          -          -        35     Refer to Note 10
                                            35          -        385        334       754

               Financial liabilities
               Trade and other payables       -         -          -        213       213           -
               Short-term loans           1,277         -          -          -      1,277    Refer to Note 16
                                          1,277         -          -        213      1,490

                                                                                              (Unit: Million Baht)
                                                             Consolidate financial statement
                                                                As at 31 December 2021

                                         Fixed interest rates   Floating   Non-
                                        Within               interest   interest
                                        1 year   1 - 5 years   rate     bearing     Total    Effective interest rate
               Financial assets
               Cash and cash equivalent       -         -        364        101       465      Refer to Note 7
               Trade and other receivables    -         -          -        421       421           -
               Restricted bank deposits     60          -          -          -        60     Refer to Note 10
                                            60          -        364        522       946

               Financial liabilities
               Trade and other payables       -         -          -        351       351           -
               Short-term loans           1,833         -          -          -      1,833    Refer to Note 16
                                          1,833         -          -        351      2,184

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