Page 149 - TYCONS - ANNUAL REPORT 2022
P. 149

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                                                                                        (Unit: Thousand Baht)

                                                                   Separate financial statement
                                                                     As at 31 December 2021
                                                      On       Less than    1 to 5

                                                    demand      1 year      years     > 5 years    Total
                     Short-term loans from financial
                       institutions                        -   1,846,352          -          -   1,846,352
                     Trade and other payables              -    351,147           -          -     351,147

                     Total non-derivatives                 -   2,197,499          -          -   2,197,499

                     Derivative liabilities: net settled   -      1,696           -          -       1,696

                     Total                                 -      1,696           -          -       1,696

               28.3  Fair values of financial instruments

                     Since the majority of the Company’s financial instruments are short-term in nature or bear
                     floating interest rates, their fair value is not expected to be materially different from the
                     amounts presented in the statements of financial position.

               29.  Capital management

                     The  primary  objective  of  the  Group’ s  capital  management  is  to  ensure  that  it  has
                     appropriate capital structure in order to support its business and maximise shareholder
                     value. As  at  31  December 2022,  the  Group’s debt-to-equity  ratio  for the  consolidated

                     financial statement was 0.39:1 (2021: 0.60:1) and the Company’s debt-to-equity ratio for the
                     separate financial statement was 0.39:1 (2021: 0.60:1).

               30.  Approval of financial statements

                     These  financial  statements  were  authorised  for  issue  by  the  Company’ s  authorised

                     directors on 23 February 2023.

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