Page 143 - TYCONS - ANNUAL REPORT 2022
P. 143

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

               28.  Financial instruments
               28.1   Derivatives

                                                                                       (Unit: Thousand Baht)

                                                                                financial statements
                                                                             2022              2021

                     Derivative assets
                       Derivative assets not designated as hedging

                       Foreign exchange forward contracts                            -            12,053

                     Total derivative assets                                         -            12,053

                     Derivative liabilities
                      Derivative assets not designated as hedging

                        Foreign exchange forward contracts                      60,513             1,696

                     Total derivative liabilities                               60,513             1,696

                     Derivatives not designated as hedging instruments
                     The Company uses foreign exchange forward contracts to manage some of its transaction

                     exposures. The contracts are  entered into for periods  consistent with  foreign currency
                     exposure of the underlying transactions, generally 6 months.

               28.2    Financial risk management objectives and policies

                     The Group’s financial instruments principally comprise cash and cash equivalents, trade
                     accounts  receivable,  investments,  short-term  and  long-term  loans.  The  financial  risks
                     associated with these financial instruments and how they are managed is described below.

                     Credit risk

                     The Group is exposed to credit risk primarily with respect to loan, deposits with banks and
                     financial institutions and other financial instruments. The maximum exposure to credit risk
                     is  limited  to  the  carrying  amounts  as  stated  in  the  statement  of  financial  position. The

                     Company’s maximum exposure relating to derivatives is noted in the liquidity risk topic.

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