Page 81 - One Report Thai Final_ENG_2021
P. 81

9.2.1 During the year 2021 and 2020, the company has entered into connected transaction with persons/parties, which may create conflict of interest as
                                                                can directly grasp the market
                                                            relative to Thai market, thus motivating TYCN selling to TGE in Taiwan. Some of wire rod
                                                                                     produce fasteners specifically,
                                                               and annealed wire sold to TGE will be used internally whilst most of it will be on sold to
                                                     (1)  Sales for wire rod and annealed wire : The market in Taiwan is substantially large

                                                                It                   used to

                                                                with Taiwanese customers.       Taiwanese customers. The logic behind selling through TGE is due to TGE’s long-term  information through it, and can avoid the sales expenses of the company to establish the marketing  channel again or need to invest in marketing in Taiwan market.   (2)  Materials, supplies and fixed assets. : The transactions between the Company and the parent  company TGI and the associated company TY STEEL's for raw materials and fixed assets are  based on the operation requirements and the transaction price is based on the market price. The   mainly   are  annealed wire chemical com
                                                 The audit committee reviewed and commented as follows:
                                           Pricing policy / Necessity and Appropriateness / Remarks

                                                                     relationships and profile   materials purchased from TGE   raw                 inventory and re-sale period of TGE to end-customers.   normal are at market price.        71

                                        Amount of connected   transaction (MB)   2020   2021   282   1,186         113   953               2   3         -  -                 1,844   1,790         950   231         9   13         456   15         124   339            1            1   -  -                  -   -

                                                 Revenue from sale       Total Purchase of   raw material   and supplies   Purchase of fixed   assets   Total Purchase of   raw material   and supplies    Total Purchase of   raw material      Sales      Other income      Purchase of goods      Sales      Total Purchase of   raw material   Sales of equipments   Total Purchase of   raw material

                                        Person who may have conflict of interest
                     Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.
                              9.2  Related party transactions

                                                 Holding   100%   Shares of   Parent   company   Parent   company      19.27%   owned of   TYCN      18.19%   owned of   parent   company   60% owned   parent  of  company   100% owned   of parent   ompany

                                     follows:   Relationship   Transaction   1.Tycoons Group   Enterprise (TGE)      2.Tycoons Group   International   (TGI)   3.TY Steel   Company   Limited   4.Jing Hai   Hardware Co.,   Ltd.      5. HuangHua   Jujin Hardware   Products Co.,   Ltd.   6. Tycoons   Vietnam Co.,   Ltd.
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