Page 76 - One Report Thai Final_ENG_2021
P. 76

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                           * Mr. Surabhon Kwanchaithunya resigned from the position of independent director and
                           Chairman of the Audit Committee effective from September 30, 2021 onwards.
                           **Appoint Mr. Navin Vongchankit as Independent Director and Chairman of the Audit
                           Committee effective from October 20, 2021onwards.

                                      8.1.3  Supervision operations of its subsidiaries and associates

                                   The Company investment in subsidiaries or associated company must be approved
                           by the Board of directors and authorized the Chairman/directors on behalf of the Company
                           as the Chairman/directors of the subsidiaries and associated company by the proportion of

                                      8.1.4 Monitoring of compliance with the corporate governance policy and

                           (1) Supervision of internal information
                                 1.  The company  has a policy on supervision  of  usage  of internal  company
                           information by its executives and staff for their own benefit. The executives and staff who
                           come to possess internal company information are not permitted to buy or sell the securities
                           of  the  company 1  month  prior  to  the  company announcing its  results  of  operations
                           (financial statements).

                                 2. Significant information that may affect the price of securities.  The company
                           announces its results of operations within 45 days from the end of a financial quarter and
                           60 days after the end of the accounting year.
                                 3.  The company also requires that its executives prepare and submit to the Office
                           of  Securities and  Exchange Commission  reports on holdings  of  shares  by  them,  their
                           spouses and underage children, in listed companies in respect of which they are executives
                           (according  to the  Securities  and Exchange  Act  B.E. 2535 Section  59  and  pursuant to
                           Section 275 which stipulates that any director, manager, person who holds a management
                           position or auditor who contravenes or fails to comply with Section 59 shall be liable to a
                           fine not exceeding  five hundred  thousand  Baht and a  further  fine not exceeding  ten
                           thousand Baht for every day during which non-compliance continues).

                           (2) Principles for countering bribery and against corruption

                                 Our policy for countering bribery and against corruption has been stipulated and
                           approved by  board of  directors on November 13, 2014.  Please  refer  to our web  site
                           ( corporate governance of  investor relations page. In 2020,  the
                           company's internal audit unit did not receive any complaints about violations of this policy.

                                 8.2 Report on the results of duty performance of the Audit Committee in the
                           past year

                           The report of the audit committee of year 2021 as follows:

                                        The audit committee  jointly  reviewed  the 2021 annual consolidated
                           financial statements with the certified public accountant for presentation to the board of
                           directors for acknowledgement;  discussed  with  relevant parties at  meetings; reviewed

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