Page 82 - One Report Thai Final_ENG_2021
P. 82

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                                 9.2.2  Measures/Procedures of approving connected transactions

                                         The  Board of  Directors had approved  the principle of related party
                           transactions in accordance with the laws and regulations. For normal trading transaction
                           such as inter-company sales and purchases, the Board of Directors will review the general
                           company policies and the specific agreement to determine whether the transaction is
                           proposed to be conducted on a fair basis. If approved, the transaction is permitted to
                           proceed on such terms. The audit committee must attend the Board of Directors meeting
                           and approve the  proposed arrangement in  order to protect the best interest of  the
                           company. For such other significant transactions such as the sales/acquisitions of assets
                           and loans between related companies, details of such transaction must be forwarded to
                           the meeting of board of directors of the company for approval, which meeting must also
                           be attended by the audit committee. Such transactions must also be in compliance with
                           laws on securities and the regulations, announcements, orders and notifications of the
                           SET and SEC.

                                 9.2.3  Policy or trend of related party transactions

                                 Should there be future related party transaction between the Company and its
                           parent company or subsidiaries apart from those normal trades that might involve parties
                           with conflicts  of interest, the company will  seek the  opinion  of the  audit  committee
                           regarding the necessity of and accountability for such proposed transaction. In the event
                           that the audit committee does not have the requisite expertise to evaluate the transaction,
                           the company will seek the opinions of independent experts or its auditors. The board of
                           directors will take into consideration such opinions. The company will also include any
                           such transactions in  the  notes to its  financial  statements,  which are audited  by the
                           Company’s auditors.

                                 In making future  connected transactions,  the company’s  directors  will  also
                           comply  with the laws on securities and the regulations, announcements,  orders  and
                           notifications of the SET and SEC,  as well as the regulations regarding disclosure of
                           connected transactions and acquisitions and dispositions of significant assets of a listed

                                 9.2.4  Reasons that persons who may have conflicts of interest hold shares in
                           subsidiaries, associated company exceeds 10% instead of directly holding the Company's

                                 The purchasing of beyond proportion shares from increasing of registered capital,
                           has resulted  KDB Co., Ltd., as the joint company.  Moreover, the shareholding structure
                           of KDB Co., Ltd., has fallen for a conflict-of-interest characteristic because the Directors
                           of  the company holds  more than  10 percent of shares.  In addition,  the company  has
                           preventive measurement from the conflict of interest, in order to protect the best interest
                           of the company and investor as well as to prevent the transferring of assets and profit
                           between both companies, as follows,

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