Page 71 - One Report Thai Final_ENG_2021
P. 71

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                                 7.5  Information about employees

                           Employee’s Remuneration and Number of employees

                                      The total number of employees of the company as at Dec 31 2021 and 2020
                           comprises 754 and 767 persons  respectively, the company has paid remuneration to its
                           employees as at Dec 31 2021 and 2020 was 305 and 276 MB. The remuneration included
                           salary, overtime, variable bonus, allowance, social security and provident fund.

                                                                    2021           2020            2019
                             Management Employee (person)             33             33             35
                             Supervisory Employee   (person)         128            135            135
                             Operational Employee   (person)         444            449            399

                             Employee Headquarter  (person)          149            150            151
                             Total             (person)              754            767            720
                             Employee’s Remuneration (MB)            305            276            282

                                  During the past 3 years, the Company has no significant increase or decrease in
                           employee’s number and has not received any significant labor disputes.

                                  The provident fund of the  company has  been in effect since August 1, 2003.
                           Pursuant to the provident fund arrangements, the employees contribute 3% of their monthly
                           compensation to the fund while the company makes a corresponding contribution of 5% of
                           such employee’s total monthly compensation.

                           Employee Development Policy
                                 The company realizes the importance of its staff as they are considered valuable
                           assets which play a major role in the success and growth of the company. Therefore, the
                           company has a policy to develop the efficiency, knowledge and skill of its staff at all levels
                           by having well-organized annual programs both at in and out of office. Training programs
                           are designed to enrich staff knowledge, skills and develop good work attitude, to promote
                           the development of staff functions, reserve management and professional personnel at all
                           levels. But also encourage colleagues to learn, to enhance the quality of human resources,
                           development of competition Force of human resources.

                                  Due to the prolonged impact of the Corona virus (COVID-19) infections, causes
                           the main education and training 2021 are as follows:
                                  On  October  29, 2021,  provide training  on caution in preparing  financial
                           statements, Closing of accounts and presentation of financial statements in accordance with
                           financial  reporting standards before submitting the  financial statements.  Training
                           institutions: Dharmniti Training and Seminar Co., Ltd.    Lecturer by Kecha Somchaipeng.
                                  On November 26, 2021, provide training on the use of tax privileges of BOI-
                           promoted businesses with filling out  the Por Ngor Dor  50 form. Training  institutions:
                           Dharmniti Training and Seminar Co., Ltd.   Lecturer by Rangsan Luangmuang.

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