Page 161 - One Report Thai Final_ENG_2021
P. 161

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                    2. Policy of Anti-bribery and corruption

                               Tycoons  Worldwide  Group  (Thailand) Public  Co.,  Ltd. (hereinafter referred to  as the
                    Company) and its subsidiaries operate the business in compliance with all legal and regulatory
                    requirements to ensure that legitimate business and importance to anti-bribery and corruption. In
                    addition the policy's goal is to operate the company based on the principle of honest, fairness, and
                    transparent  management, it’s responsible  for all interested  parties. The behavior of directors,
                    management, and employees are abiding by Business Ethics, Code of Conduct. It’s a part of the
                    "Corporate Governance". The Company also stipulates  anti-bribery and corruption policy as
                    guidelines of business operating and therefore directors, management and all employees have to
                    follow the implementation. The main contents are as follows:

                    Definition of bribery and corruption

                               Bribery & Corruption means one gives or receives gifts, fees, rewards or any other favors
                    to influence governmental officers or any other personnel in the business circle. This behavior
                    triggers dishonest, illegalness,  and  fraud  violating principle to  gain  commercial or financial

                    Policy of anti-bribery and corruption

                               Directors, management, and employees of the Company and its subsidiaries are prohibited
                    to give or receive  directly or indirectly  bribery and  corruption in  any  manner whether  it  is
                    accepted, giving or offering the monetary or non-monetary bribe with the relevant government
                    agencies or private entities of the company's business operations or contact. The Company will
                    execute the policy of anti-bribery and corruption strictly.


                               1 The board of directors is responsible for setting policy and to support and establish the
                    effective anti-bribery and corruption systems for the management to understand the importance
                    of anti-bribery and corruption, and instilled into the culture of the Company.

                               2 The board of audit committee is responsible for reviewing the financial and accounting
                    report, internal control systems, internal audit system and risk management system to ensure that
                    is suitable, effective and in accordance with the provisions of the standard.

                               3 President and management are responsible for setting systems, supporting and promoting
                    the  anti-bribery and corruption policy for all the  employees and related personnel know. Its
                    responsibilities also include review of the system to meet the change of the business regulations
                    and laws.

                               4  Chief  of  internal  audit  is  responsible for execution, examining  and  reviewing  the
                    correction of the job compliance with the anti-bribery and corruption policy. Reporting to the
                    board of audit committee.

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