Page 158 - One Report Thai Final_ENG_2021
P. 158

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                    and executives who have such interests should not participate in the decision making process on
                    such issues.
                    3 Role of Stakeholders

                    The Board of Directors values the right of stakeholders that they provide a mechanism to promote
                    cooperation between the company and  its stakeholders along  with customers,  employees,
                    suppliers, shareholders, investors, creditors, the community the company operates in, society, the
                    government, competitors, external auditors, etc. based on business ethic and fair treatment policy
                    for each and every stakeholder that all information relevant stakeholders are disclosed in equality

                    The company has a policy that through independent directors or audit committee, stakeholders
                    can  communicate  with  the board any concerns about  illegal or  unethical practices, incorrect
                    financial reporting, insufficient internal control, etc. So that the investigation can carried out and
                    reported to the Board of Directors.

                    4 Disclosure and Transparency

                    The Board of Directors ensures that financial information that all information presented in the
                    financial reports is  correct,  in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and
                    standards, and has been audited by an independent external auditor. The given information and
                    other important information relevant to the company operation in accurately, sufficiently and
                    timely manner that reflects the actual status and financial performance of the company that is
                    audited  and complies with the regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
                    and the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET).
                    The Board of Directors endeavors to comply strictly with the laws and regulations concerning the
                    disclosure of information. Nonetheless, the Board of Directors shall appoint investor relation
                    officer to communicate with shareholders and facilitate shareholders and analysts equally and
                    disclose information on website in both English and Thai.
                    The Board of Directors must disclose clearly the directors’ remuneration policies that correspond
                    to the contributions and responsibilities of each person and other companies of similar size in the
                    same  industry. The directors’  remuneration  must be  approved by shareholders through
                    shareholders’ meeting.
                    The Board of Directors contended that the executives` remuneration policy must be fair and
                    attractive enough for qualified people to take the position and perform at high standard

                    5 Responsibilities of the Board

                    5.1 Leadership and vision
                    The Board of Directors plays a role in setting the company’s goal, mission of the company , and
                    budget, and moreover oversees the company operation in response to its goal.  The Board of
                    Directors also makes comments on the internal control and audit system along with manage the
                    risk to maximize the company’s profitability.

                    5.2 Risk management
                    The Board of Directors adopted a risk management system for all material and controllable risk
                    which is related to the company’s business objective, business strategy, finance, production and
                    operation. Risk management is carried out on the basis of probability that an identified risk may
                    materialize and the likely impact of it on the business may be presented.  In response to that, clear
                    preventive and mitigation measures must be established and the systems to assess monitor and

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