Page 119 - One Report Thai Final_ENG_2021
P. 119

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                    9.   Inventories
                                                                                      (Unit: Thousand Baht)

                                           Financial statement in which equity method is applied/Separate financial
                                                                   Reduce cost to

                                                  Cost            net realisable value   Inventories - net
                                            2021       2020       2021       2020       2021       2020
                         Raw materials    1,098,325    986,541     (2,702)      (17)  1,095,623   986,524

                         Work in process    312,478    172,555     (4,147)   (22,657)  308,331    149,898
                         Finished goods     743,522    538,264     (7,662)   (26,650)  735,860    511,614
                         Spare parts,
                           factory  supplies
                           and  scrap       349,003    329,084       (40)     (1,526)  348,963    327,558

                         Goods in transit   199,777    185,753      (154)          -   199,623    185,753
                         Total            2,703,105   2,212,197   (14,705)   (50,850)  2,688,400   2,161,347

                         During the current year, the Company reduced cost of inventories by Baht 14 million (2020: Baht
                         38 million), to reflect the net realisable value. This was included in cost of sales. In addition, the
                         Company  reversed  the write-down  of cost  of inventories by  Baht  50  million (2020:  Baht  78

                         million), and reduced the amount of inventories recognised as expenses during the year because
                         the Company sold high-cost products, and there was a tendency for steel prices to increase.
                    10. Restricted bank deposits

                         These represent fixed deposits pledged with the banks to secure credit facilities that carried interests

                         between 0.15 and 0.50 percent per annum (2020: between 0.15 and 0.70 percent per annum).
                    11.  Investment in subsidiary

                         Details of investment in subsidiary as presented in separate financial statements are as follows:
                                                                                         (Unit: Thousand Baht)
                                                                                     Carrying amount based on
                           Company’s name      Paid-up capital   Shareholding percentage   cost method
                                              2021      2020       2021      2020       2021       2020
                                                                 (Percent)  (Percent)
                         K D B Company Limited   159,636   -       44.99         -      124,146      -

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