Page 124 - One Report Thai Final_ENG_2021
P. 124

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                    14.  Property, plant and equipment
                                                                                            (Unit: Thousand Baht)

                                         Consolidated/Financial statement in which equity method is applied/Separate financial statements
                                                                                            Assets under
                                                   Building and   Machinery      Furniture and   installation
                                        Land and land   attached   and   Motor      office     and
                                         improvement   facilities   equipment   vehicles   equipment   construction   Total
                    1 January 2020         548,659  1,799,604  5,341,162  294,945    68,641   215,547   8,268,558
                    Additions               41,955     4,495     7,647     2,081       629     81,568    138,375
                    Disposals/write-off        -      (2,465)   (33,673)   (2,974)   (4,565)      -      (43,677)
                    Transfers in (out)         -      15,647    94,264     1,802        -     (111,713)      -
                    31 December 2020       590,614  1,817,281  5,409,400  295,854    64,705   185,402   8,363,256
                    Additions               20,645     5,781    36,233     10,233     1,434      356     74,682
                    Disposals/write-off        -      (1,856)   (48,386)  (19,780)    (788)       -      (70,810)
                    Transfers in (out)         -      13,849     9,634     1,684        -      (25,167)      -
                    31 December 2021       611,259   1,835,055   5,406,881   287,991   63,351   160,591   8,367,128
                    Accumulated depreciation
                    1 January 2020          85,766  1,157,175  3,033,836  282,597    61,579       -     4,620,953
                    Depreciation for the year   5,488  61,265   202,220    5,631      3,079       -      277,683
                    Depreciation     on
                    disposals/write-off        -      (1,827)   (32,043)   (2,974)   (4,564)      -      (41,408)
                    31 December 2020        91,254  1,216,613  3,204,013  285,254    60,094       -     4,857,228
                    Depreciation for the year   5,473  63,978   185,707    4,958      2,229       -      262,345
                    Depreciation     on
                    disposals/write-off        -      (1,230)   (39,913)   (19,780)   (788)       -      (61,711)
                    31 December 2021        96,727   1,279,361   3,349,807   270,432   61,535     -     5,057,862
                    Allowance for  impairment
                    31 December 2020           -      55,690    361,862       -         -         -      417,552
                    Increase during the year   -          -     69,082        -         -     158,555    227,637
                    31 December 2021           -      55,690    430,944       -         -     158,555    645,189
                    Net book value
                    31 December 2020       499,360   544,978   1,843,525   10,600     4,611   185,402   3,088,476
                    31 December 2021       514,532   500,004   1,626,130   17,559     3,816     2,036   2,664,077
                    Depreciation for the year
                    2020 (Baht 260 million included in manufacturing cost, and the balance in selling and administrative expenses)   277,683
                    2021 (Baht 245 million included in manufacturing cost, and the balance in selling and administrative expenses)   262,345

                    As at 31 December 2021, certain items of plant and equipment were fully depreciated but are
                    still in use. The gross carrying amount before deducting accumulated depreciation and allowance
                    for impairment loss of those assets amounted to approximately Baht 1,797 million (2020: Baht
                    1,600 million).

                    The Company has mortgaged most of its property, plant and machinery with banks as collateral
                    against credit facilities granted by commercial banks.

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