Page 115 - One Report Thai Final_ENG_2021
P. 115

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                                                                                          (Unit: Million Baht)
                                                              statements in which
                                                                equity method is
                                                              financial statements       Pricing policy

                                                               2021       2020
                         Transactions with ultimate parent
                         Sales                                  1,186       282   With reference to market price
                         Purchases of raw materials               953       113   With reference to market price
                         Purchases of fixed assets                  3         2   Contract price

                         Transactions with associated company
                         Sales                                    231       950   With reference to market price
                         Other income                              13         9   With reference to market price
                         Purchases of raw materials             1,790     1,844   With reference to market price
                         Purchases of goods                        15       456   With reference to market price

                         Transactions with related companies
                         Sales                                    339       124   With reference to market price
                         Purchases of raw materials                 -         1   With reference to market price

                         As at 31 December 2021 and 2020, the balances of the accounts between the Company and those

                         related parties are as follows:
                                                                                     (Unit: Thousand Baht)
                                                                          Consolidated/Financial statements
                                                                          in which equity method is applied/
                                                                            Separate financial statements
                                                                              2021            2020
                         Trade receivables - related parties (Note 8)
                           Ultimate parent company                               21,970           5,812
                           Associated company                                         -          69,499
                            Related company (related by common shareholder)      79,983          31,548
                         Total trade receivables - related parties              101,953         106,859

                         Other receivables - related parties (Note 8)
                           Associated company                                         -           4,975
                           Related company (related by common shareholder)        2,244               -
                         Total other receivable - related parties                 2,244           4,975

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