Page 127 - TYCONS - ANNUAL REPORT 2022
P. 127

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                     The normal credit term is 7 to 60 days.
                     Set  out  below  is  the  movement  in  the  allowance  for  expected  credit  losses  of  trade

                                                                                    (Unit: Thousand Baht)

                                                                             financial statements
                                                                           2022              2021
                     Beginning balance                                31,118             49,137
                     Reversal of provision for expected credit losses   (4,828)          (10,017)

                     Bad debt                                         -                  (2,602)
                     Amount recovered                                 (5,115)            (5,400)
                     Ending balance                                   21,175             31,118

               9.      Inventories
                                                                                         (Unit: Thousand Baht)

                                                       Consolidated/Separate financial statements
                                                                   Reduce cost to

                                                Cost             net realisable value     Inventories - net
                                          2022       2021        2022       2021        2022        2021
                     Raw materials        378,811   1,098,325     (5,895)     (2,702)   372,916   1,095,623

                     Work in process      320,915    312,478      (1,055)     (4,147)   319,860     308,331
                     Finished goods       440,101    743,522     (22,628)     (7,662)   417,473     735,860

                     Spare parts, factory
                       supplies and scrap   364,581   349,003       (746)        (40)   363,835     348,963
                     Goods in transit     516,807    199,777      (1,507)       (154)   515,300     199,623

                     Total              2,021,215   2,703,105    (31,831)    (14,705)   1,989,384   2,688,400

                     During the current year, the Company reduced cost of inventories by Baht 64 million (2021:
                     Baht 14 million), to reflect the net realisable value. This was included in cost of sales. In
                     addition, the Company reversed the write-down of cost of inventories by Baht 47 million

                     (2021: Baht 50 million), and reduced the amount of inventories recognised as expenses
                     during the year.

               10.  Restricted bank deposits

                     These  represent  fixed  deposits  pledged  with  the  banks  to  secure  credit  facilities  that
                     carried interests between 0.15 and 0.70 percent per annum (2021: between 0.15 and 0.50

                     percent per annum).

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