Page 125 - TYCONS - ANNUAL REPORT 2022
P. 125

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                     As at 31 December 2022 and 2021, the balances of the accounts between the Company
                     and those related parties are as follows:
                                                                                      (Unit: Thousand Baht)


                                                                               financial statements
                                                                              2022             2021
                     Trade receivables - related parties (Note 8)

                       Ultimate parent company                                  10,419            21,970
                        Related company (related by common shareholder)           7,549           79,983

                     Total trade receivables - related parties                  17,968          101,953

                     Other receivables - related parties (Note 8)
                       Related company (related by common shareholder)             627             2,244

                     Total other receivable - related parties                      627             2,244

                     Trade payables - related parties (Note 17)
                       Ultimate parent company                                    9,304           17,998

                     Total trade payables - related parties                       9,304           17,998

                     Other payable - related party (Note 17)
                       Ultimate parent company                                     289              310

                     Total other payable - related party                           289              310

                     Directors and management’s benefits

                     During the years ended 31 December 2022 and 2021, the Group had employee benefit

                     expenses of their directors and management as below.
                                                                                        (Unit: Million Baht)

                                                                               financial statements
                                                                              2022             2021

                     Short-term employee benefits                                 21.7             17.8
                     Post-employment benefits                                       3.1              1.4

                     Total                                                        24.8             19.2

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