Page 39 - One Report Thai Final_ENG_2021
P. 39

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                           of the  Company.  In order to  comply  with the Company's  policy that supports  energy
                           conservation and to achieve the most efficient use of water resources.

                           3. Garbage and Waste Management
                                 3.1 The amount of garbage and waste from business processes
                           Garbage and waste Comparison Table
                                                                          2019         2020         2021

                            Amount of waste and non-hazardous waste (kg)   13,191,790  9,810,865  10,006,280
                            Amount of waste and hazardous waste (kg)    6,041,757    6,164,114   12,523,560

                            Summary of operating result
                                 In 2021, the Company's has a volume of garbage and non-hazardous waste about
                           10,000 tons / year, which the Company has prepared bins to accommodate 3 types of waste,
                           namely general waste, recyclable waste and hazardous waste. The storage bins are placed
                           at various points, sufficient to meet the amount of waste that is expected to occur in the
                           Company's operations.
                                 In 2021, the Company's  has a volume  of hazardous waste from  the production
                           process about 12,523 tons / year, which has divided the waste from the production process
                           into 6 categories, with each type of waste sorted before contacting the agency, that has
                           been authorized by the Department of Industrial Works to be disposed of with appropriate

                           4. Green House gas management
                                  The Company is in the process of studying to implement plan of policy to reduce
                           greenhouse gas emissions and has recognized the importance of working to reduce global
                           warming and  climate  change.  The company  has established  a  policy  to support
                           environmental pollution and has continuously complied with the environmental policy to
                           encourage the reduction Pollution and reducing the burden of society in accordance with
                           environmental governance. Also encourages directors, executives, and all employees to
                           use the Company's resources for maximum benefit.
                                 In 2021, the Company is in the process of studying the carbon footprint of the
                           product to assess the amount of greenhouse gas emissions of the product in accordance
                           with the principles of international standards for entrepreneurs to use as a planning tool.
                           Reduce greenhouse gas emissions throughout the life cycle and increase the potential of
                           Thai industry internationally.

                           3.4  Social sustainability management
                                 3.4.1 Social policy and guidelines
                                 The Company has been formulated the policy of corporate social responsibility and
                           approved by board of directors on November 13, 2014, we comprehend the importance of
                           helping and supporting society, community, and maintaining environment continuously;
                           Tycoons also  takes  consideration  of  likely influence  to stakeholders,  such  as
                           stockholders 、 employees,  the community where  we  belongs, customers,  suppliers,
                           government, societies and nations; we formulate the direction that allowed employees can
                           participate our corporate social responsibility policy together,  which can be viewed on the
                           Company's website. (www.tycons.coms) Investor Relations Page.

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