Page 138 - One Report Thai Final_ENG_2021
P. 138

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                         The table  below summarises the  maturity profile  of the  Company’s non-derivative financial
                         liabilities and derivative  financial instruments as  at 31 December  2021 based on contractual

                         undiscounted cash flows:

                                                                                           (Unit: Thousand Baht)

                                                                  Consolidated/Separate financial statement
                                                                       As at 31 December 2021
                                                        On       Less than 1   1 to 5

                                                       demand      year      years     > 5 years   Total
                         short-term loans from financial
                           institutions                      -    1,846,352       -          -    1,846,352
                         Trade and other payables            -     351,175        -          -     351,175

                         Total non-derivatives               -    2,197,527       -          -    2,197,527

                         Derivative liabilities: net settled   -     1,696        -          -       1,696
                         Total                               -       1,696        -          -       1,696

                                                                                           (Unit: Thousand Baht)
                                                       Financial statements in which equity method is applied/                      Separate

                                                                         financial statement
                                                                       As at 31 December 2020
                                                        On       Less than 1   1 to 5

                                                       demand      year      years     > 5 years   Total

                         short-term loans from financial
                           institutions                      -     972,931        -          -     972,931
                         Trade and other payables            -     326,580        -          -     326,580
                         Long-term loans                     -      42,680        -          -      42,680
                         Total non-derivatives               -    1,342,191       -          -    1,342,191

                         Derivative liabilities: net settled   -    10,611        -          -      10,611
                         Total                               -      10,611        -          -      10,611

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