Page 136 - One Report Thai Final_ENG_2021
P. 136

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                         As at 31 December 2021 and 2020, significant financial assets and liabilities classified by type of
                         interest rate are summarised in the table below, with those financial assets and liabilities that carry

                         fixed interest rates further classified based on the maturity date, or the repricing date if this occurs
                         before the maturity date.

                                                                                               (Unit: Million Baht)
                                                                Consolidate financial statement
                                                                  As at 31 December 2021
                                             Fixed interest rates   Floating  Non-
                                           Within                        interest
                                           1 year   1 - 5 years   interest rate   bearing   Total   Effective interest rate
                   Financial assets
                   Cash and cash equivalent     -         -        364       101       465     Refer to Note 7
                   Trade and other receivables   -        -         -        421       421         -
                   Restricted bank deposits    60         -         -          -        60     Refer to Note 10
                                               60         -        364       522       946

                   Financial liabilities
                   Trade and other payables     -         -         -        351       351          -
                   Short-term loans          1,833        -         -          -      1,833    Refer to Note 16
                                             1,833        -         -        351      2,184

                                                                                               (Unit: Million Baht)
                                                                 Separate financial statement
                                                                  As at 31 December 2021
                                             Fixed interest rates   Floating  Non-
                                           Within                        interest
                                           1 year   1 - 5 years   interest rate   bearing   Total   Effective interest rate
                   Financial assets
                   Cash and cash equivalent     -         -        353       101       454     Refer to Note 7
                   Trade and other receivables   -        -         -        421       421         -
                   Restricted bank deposits    60         -         -          -        60     Refer to Note 10
                                               60         -        353       522       935

                   Financial liabilities
                   Trade and other payables     -         -         -        351       351          -
                   Short-term loans          1,833        -         -          -      1,833    Refer to Note 16
                                             1,833        -         -        351      2,184

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