P. 83

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                       (2) Principles for countering bribery and against corruption

                              Our policy for countering bribery and against corruption has been stipulated and
                       approved  by  board  of  directors  on  November  13,  2014.  Please  refer  to  our  web  site
                       ( corporate governance of investor relations page. In 2020, the company's
                       internal audit unit did not receive any complaints about violations of this policy.

                              8.2 Report on the results of duty performance of the Audit Committee in the
                       past year

                       The report of the audit committee of year 2022 as follows:

                              The  audit  committee  jointly  reviewed  the  2022  annual  consolidated  financial
                       statements with the certified public accountant for presentation to the board of directors for
                       acknowledgement; discussed with relevant parties at meetings; reviewed compliance to the
                       provisions  and  laws;  and  deliberated  on  information  disclosure  of  related  items  in
                       conformity with provisions of the Securities Exchange of Thailand.

                              The audit committee reviewed the consolidated financial statements and has an
                       opinion  that  the  company  prepared  financial  statements  in  accordance  with  generally
                       accepted accounting standards; adequately disclosed information; maintained regulating
                       and supervisory system; internal audit and risk management system is satisfactory with no
                       significant discrepancies are observed.

                                   8.2.1 Specify the total number of the Audit Committee’s meetings and the
                       attendance of each member;

                       Details of Attendance and service of the Board of Audit Committee

                                                                    Number of attendances / Total of meeting
                         No.      Name-Last Name
                                                                            2022                   2021
                                  Mr. Surabhon Kwunchaithunya*                -                      3/4
                            1     Mr. Navin Vongchankit**                    4/4                     1/4
                            2     Mr. Jirawat Huang                          4/4                     4/4
                            3     Mr. Phiphat Wangphichit                    4/4                     4/4

                       * Mr. Surabhon Kwanchaithunya resigned from the position of independent director and
                       Chairman of the Audit Committee effective from September 30, 2021 onwards.
                       **Appoint Mr. Navin  Vongchankit  as  Independent  Director and  Chairman  of  the  Audit
                       Committee effective from October 20, 2021onwards.

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