P. 39

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                  Environmental management goals

                    Environmental                               Method of operation
                       Reduce            Implement  the  Company's  energy  conservation  management  plan,  by
                      electricity   focusing  on  mainly  reduce  the  amount  of  electricity  consumption  in  the
                     consumption    production  process,  such  as  the  use  of  electricity  for  steel  rolling,  product
                                    forming, product heat treatment, product surface treatment, product annealing.
                                    Which  will  be  assessed  annually  to  present  to  government  agencies  in
                                    accordance with the requirements of the law.
                     Reduce fuel           Implement  the  Company's  energy  conservation  management  plan,  by
                     consumption    focusing on mainly reduce the amount of fuel consumption in the production
                        in the      process, such as reducing the use of natural gas, the use of heat treatment oil,
                      production    the use of oil in product forming. Which will be assessed annually to present
                       process      to government agencies in accordance with the requirements of the law.

                    Reduce the use        Set up operational KPIs for each unit that uses chemicals as raw materials
                    of chemicals in  in the production process, for example reducing the use of lubricants in the
                    the production  rough rolling process. The use of hydrochloric acid in wire and fastener surface
                       process      plating processes The use of zinc in the electroplating process of fasteners and
                                    reduce  the  amount  of  chemicals  used  in  wastewater  treatment  as  well  as
                                    implement  the  corrective  and  preventive  action  system  for  continuous
                    Reduce waste        Set up operational KPIs for each unit's to reduce waste caused by every
                       from the     production process of the Company as well as implement the corrective and
                      production    preventive action system for continuous improvement.

                       3.3.2 Environmental operating results

                              The Company is aware of environmental management. and the implementation of
                       environmental management systems to reduce significant environmental impacts that may

                       arise from business activities by focusing on reducing environmental impacts, both direct
                       and indirect impacts both in terms of energy management, fuel, electricity, water, waste
                       and  pollution  with  environmental  management  operations. It  is  committed  to  instilling

                       awareness among employees in using resources for maximum efficiency.

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