P. 3

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                                                    Table of Contents

               Part 1:   Business Operation and Operating Results
                         1.  Organizational structure and operation of the group of companies          2
                         2.  Risk management                                                          17

                         3.  Business sustainability development                                      21
                         4.  Management discussion and analysis (MD&A)                                41

                         5.  General information and other material facts                             49

               Part 2:   Corporate Governance

                         6.  Corporate governance policy                                              52
                         7.  Corporate governance structure and material facts related to the board,     61
                              subcommittees, executives, employees and others

                         8.  Report on key operating results related to corporate governance          70
                         9.  Internal control and related party transactions                          76

               Part 3:   Financial Statements                                                         84

               Part 4:   Certification of Information                                                 136


               Attachment 1:   Details of directors, executives, controlling persons, the person assigned  138

                               to take the highest responsibility in Accounting and Finance, the person
                              assigned to take direct responsibility for accounting supervision, the
                              Company’s secretary and the representative for contact and coordination

                              in case of a foreign company
               Attachment 2: Details of the directors of subsidiaries                                 143
               Attachment 3: Details of the Heads of the Internal Audit and Compliance Units          145

               Attachment 4: Assets for business undertaking and details of asset appraisal           147
               Attachment 5:  Unabridged policy and guidelines on corporate governance and            148
                              Unabridged code of business conduct prepared by the Company

               Attachment 6: Report of the Audit Committee                                            159
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