P. 29

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

 3.2.2 Analysis of stakeholders in the business value chain

 Business value
 Stakeholder   Participation   Needs/Expectations   Response

 Procurement of   Delivery person and  -  Information communication in   - Get employment or make purchases as   - Set criteria for selection and re-evaluation
 factors production   outside service   procurement be accurate and clear   sustainable business partner   clearly the supplier from outside.

 (partner)   -  Assessment for selection and   - A valid purchase order or correct   Fairness in evaluating external
 evaluation   service, to make it clear and complete   suppliers. If it can be done accordingly

 -  Assessment for selection and   - Fair and transparent competition and   company standard or responsible for
 evaluation efficiency in purchasing   Verifiable   goods or services, then can be a partner

 goods or services   - Have a good relationship between the   of company in the long term.
 -  Participating in various activities that   buyer and seller   - Determine procedures and work manuals.

 the company has organized              Communication, identification and
                                        approval of information. Accurate and

                                        clear ordering.
                                      - There is an anti-corruption policy and

                                        provide fair competition with partners
                                        to create.

 Production   Employees   - Annual Performance Assessment.   -  Reasonable remuneration.   - Developing employees to be competent
 - Listen to opinions Complaints of   -  Good motivation and welfare.     through the training system.
     -  Progress and stability of occupation.
 employees through various            - Provide appropriate welfare through the

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