Page 116 - TYCONS - ANNUAL REPORT 2022
P. 116

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

               3.2   Financial reporting standards that became effective for fiscal years beginning on or
                     after 1 January 2023

                     The Federation of Accounting Professions issued a number of revised financial reporting

                     standards, which are effective for fiscal years beginning on or after 1 January 2023. These
                     financial reporting standards were aimed at alignment with the corresponding International
                     Financial  Reporting  Standards  with  most  of  the  changes  directed  towards  clarifying

                     accounting treatment and providing accounting guidance for users of the standards.

                     The Group’s management believes that adoption of these does not have any significant
                     impact on the Group’s financial statements.

               4.    Significant accounting policies

               4.1  Revenue and expense recognition

                     Sales of goods

                     Revenue from sale of goods is recognised at the point in time when control of the asset is
                     transferred to the customer, generally upon delivery of the goods. Revenue is measured
                     at the amount of the consideration received or receivable, excluding value added tax, of

                     goods supplied after deducting returns and discounts.

                     Interest income

                     Interest income is calculated using the effective interest method and recognised on an
                     accrual  basis. The  effective  interest  rate  is  applied  to  the  gross  carrying  amount  of  a

                     financial asset, unless the financial assets subsequently become credit-impaired when it is
                     applied to the net carrying amount of the financial asset (net of the expected credit loss


                     Finance cost

                     Interest expense from financial liabilities at amortised cost is calculated using the effective
                     interest method and recognised on an accrual basis.

               4.2  Cash and cash equivalents

                     Cash and cash equivalents consist of cash in hand and at banks, and all highly liquid

                     investments with an original maturity of three months or less and not subject to withdrawal

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