Page 106 - TYCONS - ANNUAL REPORT 2022
P. 106

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                 Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Public Company Limited and its subsidiary
                 Statement of comprehensive income (Continued)
                 For the year ended 31 December 2022
                                                                                                     (Unit: Baht)
                                                          Consolidated financial statement  Separate financial statements
                                                   Note      2022         2021         2022         2021
                 Other comprehensive income:
                 Other comprehensive income to be reclassified
                    to profit or loss in subsequent periods:
                 Exchange differences on translation of financial statements
                    in foreign currency                                     (73,499)                              -                                -                                 -
                 Other comprehensive income to be reclassified
                    to profit or loss in subsequent periods                   (73,499)                                -                                -                               -

                 Other comprehensive income not to be reclassified
                      to profit or loss in subsequent periods:
                 Actuarial loss - net of income tax                    (1,812,744)                              -                  (1,812,744)                               -
                 Gain (loss) on changes in value of equity investment
                    designated at fair value through other
                    comprehensive income - net of income tax            (108,826,684)                  342,249          (108,826,684)                   342,249

                 Other comprehensive income not to be reclassified
                    to profit or loss in subsequent periods - net of income tax            (110,639,428)                    342,249            (110,639,428)                   342,249

                 Other comprehensive income for the year           (110,712,927)                    342,249          (110,639,428)                   342,249

                 Total comprehensive income for the year              50,894,678           377,173,198              52,973,550               62,880,470

                 Profit (loss) attributable to:
                 Equity holders of the Company                     162,016,298  376,960,434            163,612,978  62,538,221
                 Non-controlling interests of the subsidiary  (408,693)    (129,485)
                                                                   161,607,605            376,830,949

                 Total comprehensive income attributable to:
                 Equity holders of the Company                       51,303,371  377,302,683              52,973,550  62,880,470
                 Non-controlling interests of the subsidiary  (408,693)    (129,485)
                                                                     50,894,678            377,173,198

                 Basic earnings per share

                 Profit attributable to equity holders of the Company  23                         0.27                        0.63                         0.27                        0.10
                 The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

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