Page 94 - One Report Thai Final_ENG_2021
P. 94

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                       Statement of financial position (continued)
                       As at 31 December 2021
                                                                                                      (Unit: Baht)
                                                                       Financial statements

                                                           Consolidated  in which equity
                                                         financial statement  method is applied  Separate financial statements
                                                     Note     2021          2020         2021         2020
                       Liabilities and shareholders' equity
                       Current liabilities

                       Short-term loans from financial institutions  16         1,833,088,100           965,902,551         1,833,088,100            965,902,551
                       Trade and other payables       17             351,174,870            326,580,346            351,146,870            326,580,346
                       Current portion of long-term loans from
                          financial institutions      18                               -              41,767,606                               -              41,767,606
                       Advance received from customers              398,562,661            942,386,114            398,562,661            942,386,114

                       Other current financial liabilities  28.1                 1,695,759              10,611,174               1,695,759              10,611,174
                       Other current liabilities                       5,109,503              25,166,657               5,109,503              25,166,657

                       Total current liabilities                 2,589,630,893         2,312,414,448         2,589,602,893         2,312,414,448
                       Non-current liabilities
                       Provision for long-term employee benefits  19              43,825,857              40,415,123              43,825,857              40,415,123
                       Total non-current liabilities                  43,825,857              40,415,123              43,825,857              40,415,123
                       Total liabilities                         2,633,456,750         2,352,829,571         2,633,428,750         2,352,829,571
                       Shareholders' equity
                       Share capital
                             596,748,900 ordinary shares of Baht 10 each         5,967,489,000         5,967,489,000         5,967,489,000         5,967,489,000
                          Issued and fully paid
                             596,748,900 ordinary shares of Baht 10 each         5,967,489,000         5,967,489,000         5,967,489,000         5,967,489,000
                       Premium on treasury shares                     20,018,190              20,018,190              20,018,190              20,018,190
                       Retained earnings
                          Appropriated - statutory reserve  20              16,832,439              16,832,439              16,832,439              16,832,439
                          Deficits                          (1,656,501,160)  (2,033,461,594)        (1,656,395,242)        (1,718,933,463)
                       Other components of shareholders' equity  6,221,854                5,879,605  6,221,854                5,879,605
                       Equity attributable to owners of the Company  4,354,060,323  3,976,757,640  4,354,166,241  4,291,285,771
                       Non-controlling interests of the subsidiary  114,423,318                               -                           -                               -
                       Total shareholders' equity                4,468,483,641         3,976,757,640         4,354,166,241         4,291,285,771
                       Total liabilities and shareholders' equity         7,101,940,391         6,329,587,211         6,987,594,991         6,644,115,342
                                                                                   -                               -                           -                               -
                       The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


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