Page 60 - One Report Thai Final_ENG_2021
P. 60

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                                  The Board of Directors must complete the minutes of the meeting and present to
                           the shareholders through the website as soon as possible within 14 days after the meeting.

                           1.  Rights of Shareholders

                                 The  Company values the right  of  shareholders  by  convening the  shareholders
                           meeting  annually as requested by the law.  For year 2021, The Company has held the
                           meeting on April 21, 2021 and 5 directors attended the meeting.

                                 The Company  has  assigned Thailand  Securities  Depository  Company  Limited
                           (TSD), the registrar of The Company security, to distribute all the meeting notice to all
                           shareholders 14 days prior to the meeting (5 April, 2021).

                                 The Company has allowed the shareholders to authorize representatives to attend
                           the shareholders’ meeting on their behalf, and if the shareholders cannot find one, The
                           Company also proposes an independent director to take the task. In 2021, Independent
                           director was Mr. Surabhon  Kwunchaithunya.

                                 The Company  encouraged  the shareholders  to  express their opinions and  ask
                           questions during  the 2021  annual  shareholders’ meeting,  in  which  the directors  are
                           responsible for answering the questions. For this particular meeting The Company allow
                           the shareholders to propose the agenda of the meeting on December 21, 2020 to January
                           21, 2021.

                                 The Company has posted the meeting invitation on the website,,
                           30 days prior to 2021 annual shareholders’ meeting and posted the minutes of meeting 3
                           days after the meeting.

                           2. Equitable Treatment of Shareholders

                                    The Company keeps updating its status quarterly through SET website in time as

                                  The policy to allow the shareholders to propose the director candidate prior to the
                           meeting on December 21, 2020 to January 21, 2021.

                                  The Board of Directors does not allow directors, managements and related parties
                           of employees to trade The Company’s securities one month prior to the announcement of
                           the company financial statement. In 2021, the given parties have strictly complied with the

                                   The Board of  Directors  has  required its members  to disclose any  of  their
                           information related to the related parties and conflict of interest to the board, so that, for
                           the best of the company’s benefit, the board can consider company business activity and
                           take a prompt action that might be affected by that information. In 2021, there was no any
                           of information related to the related parties and conflict of interest to the board.

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