Page 105 - One Report Thai Final_ENG_2021
P. 105

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                    2.2  Basis of consolidation

                         a)   The consolidated financial statements include the financial statements of Tycoons
                              Worldwide Group (Thailand)  Public Company  Limited  (“the  Company”)  and the
                              following subsidiary company (“the subsidiary”) (collectively as “the Group”):

                                                                             Country of       Percentage of
                                Company’s name         Nature of business   incorporation     shareholding
                                                                                             2021     2020
                                                                                           (Percent)  (Percent)
                                                       Invest in real estate
                         K D B Company limited              projects          Thailand       44.99      -

                              During the current period, the Company  acquired new ordinary shares of K D B
                              Company Limited and had control over this company as described in Note 11 to the

                              financial statements. Therefore, the Company included the financial statements of
                              this company in the consolidated financial statements in the current period.

                         b)   The Company is deemed to have control over an investee or subsidiary if it has rights,
                              or is exposed, to variable returns from its involvement with the investee, and it has
                              the ability to direct the activities that affect the amount of its returns.

                         c)   Subsidiary  is fully  consolidated,  being  the date  on which the  Company  obtains
                              control, and continue to be consolidated until the date when such control ceases.

                         d)   The financial statements of the  subsidiary are prepared using the same significant
                              accounting policies as the Company.

                         e)   Material  balances  and transactions  between the Company  and its subsidiary have
                              been eliminated from the consolidated financial statements.

                         f)   Non-controlling interests represent the portion of profit or loss and net assets of the
                              subsidiary that  are not  held  by the Company  and  are presented  separately in the

                              consolidated profit or loss and within equity in the consolidated statement of financial

                    2.3  The separate financial statements present investments in subsidiary and associate under the
                         cost method

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